2009' Watts Homecoming Royalty
Wow! What a night. I spent last Tues night Shooting the Watts basketball homecoming game. And while the lighting was not perfect, I must say most of the photos turned out not to be to bad.
Now, I have shot action stuff before but this basketball stuff is new territory for me and I'm sure it shows. Sorry guys, I spent the first half of your game trying to work out which lens was best, and which settings I needed, Boy I was really sweating it there for a while. And the action, Harder to keep up with than a mad 2000 lb bull chasing me out of the rodeo arena. By the time we got to the girls game, I was dialing it in a little better... Still not perfect, but I was feeling a little better about life. I think 2 or 3 more games and I should be able to
pull out some fairly consistent photos. I only hope that everybody will be able to find at least a few photos they like from this Homecoming.
Now For the girls, WoW! Beautiful, every one of them. I loved the dresses and the hair.
Considering the lighting, the royalty photos did not turn out to bad. Beth the Queen, Just beautiful. I think her and the other girls did a great job with the homecoming. And the always lovely Rikki, I always enjoy shooting her, and at the OJRA Rodeos, I sure get my chance.
I would like to Thank Rikki's Grandma, who turned me on to this gig, Thanks Grandma.
I would Also like to Thank Watts Principal Mrs. Twyllah Morris for allowing me to come and shoot there event. Also, Thank you, Mrs Cameron for staying in contact with me, I really look forward to working with you in the future.

Last but not least, I would like to Thank the basketball Coach's for not hollering at me, I'm not sure if I irritated them or not, but they were very gracious, and I am looking forward to working with them again also.
As always I am looking to improve what I do. So I am looking for comments, and suggestion, or anything that will help me provide a better product, and also provide YOU with exactly what you want.
If anyone is looking for some great photos, (Girls Senior Pic's are coming up) I will work with anyone in anyway that I can to get you the kind of photos that YOU want.
So feel free to call or email me at anytime, and lets talk about it.
Great Game Engineers