Siloam Springs Rodeo
Queen, Princess, and Sweetheart
June 18-20, 2009
Qualifications for Pageant
Contestants must sell at least 100 Duck Race Tickets.
Contestants must attend the Golden Members Dinner on
Wednesday @ 6:30 pm.
Contestants must attend the Special Kids Rodeo on Friday
@ 10:00 am.
Contestants must attend the Duck Race on Saturday @ 11:00 am.
Contestants must be a participant in the Parade, Saturday @ 5:00 pm
Contestants must be a member of the Riding Club.
Single Mem. - $10.00 Family Mem. - $20.00
Suitable western attire will be worn at all times unless otherwise
Age Qualifications
Queen Contestants: 16-23 years of age, unmarried and no children.
Princess Contestants: 10-15 years of age, unmarried and no children.
Sweetheart Contestants: 6-9 years of age.
Location: Siloam Springs Rodeo Grounds. There will be different
patterns for each age group. Each contestant will make an
introduction run after their pattern has been completed. 3-6
questions will be asked by the judges after you have completed
your pattern. Split reins are required. Tie-Downs and Spurs are
optional. No Chaps or gloves will be permitted.
Horsemanship interview/questions will be asked during the
horsemanship part of the competition. This can be over parts of the
horse, saddle, knowledge of professional rodeo – its history,
organization, rodeo terminology, etc. Be prepared for anything.
Horsemanship Attire
Blue jeans and White long sleeve button up shirt. Boots, belt, and
hat color of your choice.
Modeling and Speeches
Modeling outfits will be provided by Cavenders.
Please provide outfit information and biography information for
your modeling.
While your modeling, we will read your description of your outfit that
you have provided.
Each contest will then give a 2 – 3 minute speech over the topic listed
Queen Contestant Topic: Tell us why all little girls want to grow
up and be a Rodeo Queen and how you would influence them to
achieve that goal.
Princess Contestant Topic: Tell us who has inspired and
Encouraged you to be in rodeo and why you want to be Siloam
Springs Rodeo Sweetheart.
Sweetheart Contestant Topic: Tell us about you and your horse
and why you want to be the Siloam Springs Rodeo Sweetheart.
There will be no notes or index cards allowed while contestants
are giving their speeches.
General Information
Duck race tickets must be turned in on Wednesday Night at the
Golden Members Dinner.
The decisions of the judges are final.
Each contestant will have a personal interview and be interviewed
privately by the judges.
Thursday June 18th at Cavenders @ 9:30 am. Questions asked can be
over yourself, rodeo, knowledge of the sport and pageant, current
affairs, etc.
Contestants will be judged on their introduction runs each night of
the rodeo performance.
Queen, Princess, and Sweetheart will be crowned during Saturday
nights performance.
Contestants will conduct themselves in a ladylike manner and all
contestants will get along.
If for any reason, fighting or arguing goes on, the contestant will be
disqualified immediately. All contestants must abide by all rules or
otherwise be disqualified. NO EXCEPTIONS.
No dating during the pageant. NO ALCOHOL. Any contestant
caught drinking alcoholic beverages during the rodeo will be
disqualified form the competition.
All contestants must execute any and all consents, and agree to abide
by all the rules herein.
Each contestant needs to send a bust photo in western attire
and hat with a write up about themselves for the
newspaper. This must be sent in with their application.
Contestants may enter any event at the rodeo while competing for
the Queen’s title and be eligible for all the awards.
Neither the Siloam Springs Riding Club nor the Queen’s Committee
will be responsible for you.
Contest Deadline – June 1st Need pictures and write-ups
for the newspaper.
Wednesday June 17th @ 6:30 pm – Community Building in
Siloam Springs on Mt. Olive Street, downtown next to the
fire station.
There will be a potluck dinner, parents are welcome, please
bring a dish.
Street Dance following the dinner – not mandatory to stay for
the dance.
Thursday June 18th @ 9:30 am – Cavenders/Springdale
Modeling and Speech outfits provided by Cavenders.
Lunch will be at P.F. Changs/Promenade Shopping Center
Rodeo – 7:00 pm – Be on grounds preparing for performance
Friday June 19th 10:00 – 12:00 Rodeo Grounds – Special Kids
Rodeo Lunch Provided – North Cook Shack
1:30 – Horsemanship
Rodeo – 7:00 pm – Be on grounds preparing for performance
Saturday June 20th 9:30 am – Lions Club Pancake Breakfast
11:00 am – Duck Race in the Park
5:00 pm – Parade
Rodeo – 7:00 pm – Be on grounds preparing for performance
Siloam Springs Rodeo
Queen, Princess, and Sweetheart
Address: City:
State: Zip:
Age: Birthdate:
Phone #:
School Activities:_______________________________________________________
Rodeo, Horseshows, and other horse related activities which you enjoy or participate in:__________________________________________________________
What awards/honors have you received:___________________________________
Why would you like to be “Miss Rodeo Siloam Springs”:______________________
Please send a western photo of yourself along with application to:
Karen Reed
19521 Nokes Fm Rd
Siloam Springs, AR 72761
E-Mail: reedranchlk@earthlink.com
Phone: 479-790-5338
****Please send applications back ASAP but no later than June 1st . You must sell at least 100 Duck Race tickets. So the sooner you turn in your application, the sooner you can start selling tickets and getting ready for the pageant.****
Siloam Springs Rodeo
Queen, Princess, and Sweetheart
If you have been chosen to represent the Siloam Springs Riding Club as their Queen, Princess, or Sweetheart, it would be because your accomplishments were the highest standards of horsemanship, speaking, modeling, and appearance.
In accepting you will be representing the Siloam Springs Riding Club with great honor and at the same time, accept the responsibilities to be available for at least 3-4 local rodeos, and the Siloam Springs Christmas Parade in December. You may go to as many rodeos as you like, but must attend at least 3-4 locally to represent our riding club.
If you win the Siloam Springs Title and you wish to enter another Queen Contest during you reining term, you must bring your request before the club and acquire permission.
You must conduct yourself in a manner that will be a credit to this community and to the Riding Club which you will represent.
Siloam Springs Rodeo Queen Contestant
Siloam Springs Rodeo Princess Contestant
Siloam Springs Rodeo Sweetheart Contestant
Parent or Guardian if under 18 years of age