Thursday, January 5, 2012

And Running for Miss Rodeo USA 2012 is...

As you all know, The 2012 Miss Rodeo USA Pageant is just around the corner. The pageant 
will be held Jan. 10th thru the 15th, with the coronation of Miss Rodeo USA on the 15th. Now this is no easy task for these girls. First of all they must attend a 3 day Miss Rodeo USA Queen Clinic where they learn all aspects of the pageant world including, Modeling, Speeches, impromptu questions, Horsemanship, Interviews, Platform information, Photogenic's, applications, hair & makeup, and all topics relevant to the pageant. Now as you may know by now, My contestant of choice is Sophia McKirch, and as you may know I "Shameless Self Promoter" received the privilege of photographing Sophia for the contest,which is not the first time. I have shot Sophia many times over the last few years during other Queening contest. Having watched Sophia compete many times before I feel like I am backing a winner. And why not, She embodies everything I think a Rodeo Queen is.


Now, as I have said, Sophia has been working very hard "running around like a one legged man at a you know what contest."  she has been doing radio interviews, chasing down sponsors, writing speeches that must be memorized, riding random horses to practice her horsemanship (They will be using horses provided to them, scary.) Studying her Heart out, and the one thing I know she has enjoyed most, going to the local school here in Gentry and speaking to the kids there, Spreading here platform "A crazy little thing called love" teaching others to love theirselves and to be more confident, and spreading love through volunteering, charity, and helping others. Like I said, She's been busy. I know it is an honor just to be able to compete in the Miss Rodeo USA (For crying out loud MIss Rodeo USA is considered a World Champion of the IPRA.) Very Cool! And even though all I have done is just take a couple of pictures, I to am very honored to have even a small part in this once in a lifetime opportunity. I would like to encourage everyone to visit the "Miss Rodeo USA" website and facebook page. And if you do find yourself on their facebook page, take a minute and show this years contestants a little love by "likeing" your favorite choice for the 2012 Miss Rodeo USA. I think it goes without my saying again who my choice is. Sophia says that "She feels like she has made the impossible, possible." and that "This is something that she has always day dreamed about". She feels like just getting on the Miss Rodeo USA website is a dream come true. Sophia says " That she would like to Thank everyone who has helped her get this far." And if you know Sophia... You might as well accept her thanks, because you know that she is not going to stop giving it. I personally would like to congratulate Sophia on everything she has been able to accomplish thus far... So go knock'em dead sweetie and enjoy one of the greatest times of your life.



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