to all Members for an
Incredible 2008 rodeo season!

2009' Board of Directors

I would like to Thank everyone personally for being so supportive of Yours Truly. I hope everyone stays tuned to my website and my blog, Because I'm am going to try and use them together to try and help people stay informed about the happenings that I am involved with.
I will be using my website for photo's of course, and I will be using my blog for information. There is no telling what you might find on here, hopefully you may learn a little, or maybe I can
make you laugh a little. Anyhow It's a learning experience for me to be sure. Also if anyone out there has any suggestions or ideas for articles or stories for the blog just shoot me an E-Mail, Who knows what might happen.
In a day or two I will be posting the 2009 O.J.R.A. Season schedule and related info.
I will be taking down the 2008 O.J.R.A. Season photos from my website in about 30 days give or take. So be thinking about it. You still have time, I will be posting the take down date here when I know it for sure.
If you did not get a copy of the 2008 video and would like to, just get in contact with me as I still have a few left.
And I think... (Last but Not least I know) I would like to Thank Heather for keeping me informed and for working so close with me. Believe you me thats no easy task just ask my wife. I need all the help I can get. No comments from the peanut gallery Please.
Thank you for the great pictures you've taken this past year. I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures you take of Shelbi this year!
ReplyDeleteTreva Rice